1993 – 1997
My RPI Experience
by Kwabena MirekuI had a great experience during my years at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Although I excelled academically with minimal effort during my high school years, my first year at RPI challenged the ease and discipline (or lack of) I had been accustomed to, prior to my arrival. The rigorous math and science classes really helped me understand the problem, rather than some memorized rules or formulas. This took my way of thinking to a whole new level, that would stay with me for the rest of my professional career. Being at RPI also taught me to follow a discipline that would reduce the stress associated with completing homework assignments, tests, and projects at the last minute. Furthermore, RPI was not just about academics. I enjoyed a social life there with people from all sorts of backgrounds. We had the opportunity to participate in many on/off school activities that I remember to this day. The combination of my social life and academic achievements at RPI made it a rich experience for me. Overall, my experience at RPI is one filled with fond memories that I appreciate, and I am glad I had the opportunity to attend that college.